Field options

The options on the standard Field type are presented in a number of groups.

Visibility options

Whether to show field and heading.

Instruction options

Instructions to show the user before and after the field.

Not entered options

What to show on the browse screen if the user has not entered any values.

Sort options

For repeating fields, whether the members should be automatically sorted.

Part options

Where a combination of text, number and link have been used, how the different parts should be displayed.

Text options

Additional captions and instructions to apply to the text, the type of text to hold, text width, and additional classes to add to the text.

Number options

Additional captions and instructions for the number.

Link options

Additional captions and instructions to apply to the link, how to display the links, what to display when no link has been chosen, and how to sort lists of links offered to the user.

Style options

Setting a CSS class and CSS to apply to the field.