Return details of a user group and its members.
The user must be authorised to grant to the user group to read details about it.
<userGroupIdentifier>id</userGroupIdentifier> <userGroupReference>ref</userGroupReference>
The user group can be specified by either identifier or reference. If both are passed, and id is not zero, reference takes precedence.
<userGroupReference/> <userGroupName/>
<userGroupDescription/> <normalIndicator/> <owningIndicator/>
<User> repeats
<userName/> <userEmailAddress/>
Users are returned in ascending name sequence.
normalIndicator indicates whether the user has administer-usergroup permission.
owningIndicator indicates whether the user has administer-owning-usergroup permission. If owningIndicator is true, normalIndicator will also be true.
For owning user groups only, the mayXXX methods indicate permissions that have been granted to the user group.
- mayCreateUserGroup -> create-usergroup
- mayCreateOwningUserGroup -> create-owning-usergroup
- mayMaintainProfile -> maintain-profile
The name and email address of the main user is returned for proxy users.
101 - Not authorised
102 - not found
103 - parameter error