Account properties

Account properties are used to configure the account.

Where account properties are held

The account properties are held on a node linked to from the account using Account properties. The account properties node uses the Node Properties type. Each property is coded as a Properties member, where the target is the node property and the value is the value of the property.

You can access the properties node from the Account properties option in the top right of the Account manager.

Account properties reference

Property Description More details
Application Name A name for the application. Theme properties
Custom CSS Additional CSS. Theme properties
Disable Password Reset For a user or account, disable password reset functionality.>br/>
Any value other than false is considered true. Can be set to true on either the user or the account to disable password reset.
Password rule

A recipe for the minimum requirements for password length and complexity. Takes the form


entropy is a complexity measure based on the length and characters used. For example, 50 is a moderate strength password, 70 is strong and 100 is very strong.

length is the minimum length.

charset are the required characters. This is a string selected from A, a, 9 and !, meaning upper case, lower case, digit and special character (i.e. not alphanumeric). For example Aa9! means the password must have each of these, A! means the password must have an upper case and a speclal character.

The preferred approach is to have only entropy. For example, just 50 means that passwords must be at least moderate.

Where organisational policy dictates, the other parts can be set. For example :8:Aa9! represents the common "minimum length 8, include upper case, lower case, digit and special character".

Enhanced authentication node Reference of node that to be executed to provide enhanced authentication within this account. Enhanced authentication
Email From

For an account, the name and email address to be used as the from when sending user emails, e.g. "Metrici ".

Remember when setting the email from property to check the email address of the user who will be sending the emails, as this will be used as the reply-to address on the email.

Footer Page footer. Theme properties
Language pack reference Reference to pack of available languages. Language and localization
Logo Branding image, words or other markup. Theme properties
Password reset email template An account property which holds the text of the subject and body of the email to be sent to a user when they have requested a password reset.
The subject should be on the first line, the remainder of the property is the body which may contain HTML markup.

The subject and body may contain placeholders for the following:
  • applicationName - name of the application
  • signInLink - url to sign in to reset password
  • rootPath - address of server
  • userName - the user's name
  • userEmailAddress - the user's email address
  • userLogonReference - user id
  • contactDetails - block that describes who they should contact if they have questions
Password reset owner email address The email address to which notifications of password reset attempts should be sent, instead of the user group owners.
This follows the same format as the to parameter in SendUserEmail. Can be a single email, or a comma or newline-delimited list.

This is also used to build the contact details for the password reset emails.
Password reset owner email template An account property which holds the text of the subject and body of the email to be sent to the owner of a user group when a user in that group has requested a password reset.
The subject should be on the first line, the remainder of the property is the body which may contain HTML markup.

The subject and body may contain placeholders for the following:
  • applicationName - name of the application
  • signInLink - url to sign in to reset password (given to user, not owner's sign in)
  • rootPath - address of server
  • userLogonReference - user id
  • contactDetails - block that describes who they should contact if they have questions
  • userName - the user's name
  • userEmailAddress - the user's email address
Small Logo Small branding image, words or other markup. Theme properties
Sponsor account reference Account reference for sponsor.