Scatter chart

A scatter chart shows points arranged on a grid.


The scatter chart has up to six axes:

  • x – position from left to right on the chart
  • y – position from top to bottom on the chart
  • label – name for the point
  • size – size of the point
  • color – color of the point
  • tooltip – tooltip to show when hovering over the point.

The x and y axes are mandatory, the others are optional. Each axis has a single column, except for tooltip which may list multiple columns.

Object Property Description
x axis,
y axis

The column from which x axis or y axis values are to be read. x axis column defaults to 0, y axis column defaults to 1.


Set to true to false to turn off the axis label.


label for the axis. If not present, the name from the column is used.

  min Standard usage
  max Standard usage
  showTicks Standard usage 

Standard usage


Standard usage

label column

Column from which point labels are to be read. Optional. If not present, no labels are produced.

size column

Column from which point sizes are to be read. Optional. If not present, a size of 1 is used, which gives a standard size point.

The value in the size column is proportional to the area of the point. For example, a value four times higher will give a dot with double the diameter.


An amount by which values in the size column should be multiplied before calculating the size of the point.

For example, if you wanted the value 10 to give a standard size point, set this to 0.1.

 color column

Column from which point colors are to be read. Optional. If not present, a default color or standard colors are used.

The colors can be translated using the standard options.colors object. This allows a data column, such as a status, to be used to color the points.

  default Default color to be used when there is no color column, or for rows that do not have a value for the color column. This will also be translated using the standard options.colors object.
 tooltip column

One or more columns that will be used to create tooltips. Optional. If not present, no tooltips are produced.

If there is a single column, the value of the column will be shown in the tooltip.

If there are multiple columns, a table of values will be shown in the tooltip.


Consider a table which shows Sine and Cosine values for 10 degree intervals.

Sine Cosine
0 1
0.174 0.985
0.342 0.940
... ...


Default options assign a color to each point and plot them against each other.
Sine and cosine plotted with default values
You can clean up the display by setting height, min and max, ticks, gridlines and color.
Sine and cosine plotted with height, grid and color set

Consider a second table of nutritional information.

Food Calories Fat Sugar Category Notes
Cheese 125 10.5 0 dairy  
Milk 64 3.6 4.7 dairy Whole milk
Yoghurt 95 1.8 12.9 dairy Raspberry flavoured
Dried figs 229 0.9 37.1 fruit  
Beef burger 249 19.1 0.7 meat Uncooked
Marmalade 254 0 62.9    
Pasta 359 1 0 carbohydrate Uncooked
Bread 233 1.7 3.5 carbohydrate  
Dark chocolate 605 50.7 12.9 sweet  
Milk chocolate 544 32.5 55.4 sweet  
Biscuits 481 21.3 16.6 sweet Digestives

The options below:

  • Set a title.
  • Set min, max, ticks and labels for the x and y axes.
  • Set the size of the points according to the calories, so that 10 calories per 100g would be a standard point.
  • Set the color of the points according to the category column. The colors object is used to translate between these categories and real colors.
  • Show the food column as a title.
  • Build a tooltip from the nutritional information.
      "label":"Percentage fat"
      "label":"Percentage sugar"

Nutrition information chart, showing control over point size, color, labels and tooltips