Changing how the content is calculated

The content shown on the aggregator is specified by the Aggregator view (library.aggregator.AggregatorView) target of the aggregator page. This view should return some or all of the following columns:

  • name – the name of the node, escaped as necessary. This is used to produce the heading of the panel. If it is not present, no heading is produced.
  • reference – the node version reference for the node. This is used to produce a link. If it is not present, no link is produced.
  • content – the calculated content for the node. This will be filtered. If this is not present, no panel body is produced.
  • icon – specification of icon. Always use Icon (library.table.IconColumnScript).
  • section – section reference, or section/style (deprecated – use separate style reference).
  • style – style reference

section is used to override default processing if there is no section reference for the node on the node list. Similarly, style is used to override default styling.

The default aggregator view is Aggregator Summary View (library.aggregator.AggregatorSummaryView). This creates content based on the node summary. (It used to include the icon and summary; packages may need to be updated to remove the icon in the content which duplicates the icon.)

In order of precedence, the rules for the summary are:

  • The Node Summary (library.core.NodeSummary) member of the node.
  • The 'content' attribute returned when executing the Node Summary Script (library.core.NodeSummaryScript) method on the node.
  • The portion of the node description that precedes the <!--break--> placeholder.
  • The first 500 characters of the node description, rounded to a word boundary if possible.

By default the aggregator caches rows and caches the page content.  If you want dynamically calculated summaries, set the aggregator page or package recalculation frequency to always recalculate. This switches off both the caching of the page and the caching of the individual rows.


You can set additional options for the aggregator display by setting the node options "aggregator" property to the options you want to pass to the aggregator. See Aggregator Script for a list of options.

About the only option that makes sense is the checkPermissions option, which only shows aggregator items which the current user can read. This has to be used in conjunction with the always recalculate option (which can be set in options or on the selection field). You can set this option by setting node options as below.

"aggregator": {
"alwaysRecalculate": true,
"checkPermission": true