Set properties

You need to set properties for fully configure each of the steps in the flow. You can do this on the Camunda model, but you can also set, default or override these in a separate properties node. You don't have to use a properties node, but using a property node makes sense if you refer to forms or other complex resources which are very difficult to code within the properties on the Camunda model.

To create properties, create a node of type Node Options Extend ( This allows you to enter in Node options a block of JSON, but has some additional logic to allow one set of properties to override another.

Properties is a set of objects identifier by step names. The format of the properties is.

"stepName": {
"propertyName": "propertyValue",
"anotherStepName": {

The properties will be overridden by anything coded in the Camunda model iself.

In our simple example, the one property we need to set is the form property of the showForm step, which we want to set to the definition of the form we have just created. To do this, we use a special form of the properties that refers to a binding reference.

  "showForm": {
    "form": "${form:formShow}"

Then set the "formShow" binding to the form you have created, like this.

Coding a form as part of process properties

This will bring the form definition from the Form One node, and set the form property of the showForm step to this.