User Property


Service to set or get a user property, i.e. a property on the user's node.


<password>password</password> <userLogonReferenceProperty/> <userIdentifierProperty/> <action>get|set</action> <property/> <value/>

userLogonReferenceProperty or userIdentifierProperty identify the user for whom the property should be set or retrieved. If not present, the caller is used.

Action is set or get. The default is get.

Property is the node reference of the property. It is mandatory.

Value is the value. Omitting the value on a set erases the property.


<errorNumber>0</errorNumber> <value/>

value returns the value of the property when get is called. It is omitted if not found (i.e. a property that is not found returns a value of "", not an error).


101 - Not authorised

102 - Not found, i.e. user or property does not exists. If the property is a valid node but has no value, it is not an error.

