Update User


Update user information, i.e. name and email address.


<userLogonReference>logon reference</userLogonReference>
<userIdentifierUpdate>logon reference</userIdentifierUpdate>
<userLogonReferenceUpdate>logon reference</userLogonReferenceUpdate>
<userName>User name</userName>
<userEmailAddress>Email address</userEmailAddress>

The user to be updated is identified from one of the following, in order of preference:

  • userIdentifierUpdate
  • userLogonReferenceUpdate
  • userLogonReference (i.e. updating the calling users' own details).

User name must be non-blank. If not, error 105 is returned, together with an errorMessage and errorFields.

The marketing preference fields default to their current values. If either of the marketing preference fields are not true or false, error 103 is returned.

If the update is for a different user than the calling user, the calling user must have a maintenance authority over the maintained user, i.e. global maintain-users permission, or an owns-user permission over a user group that contains the user.

userName must not be blank, but userEmailAddress may be blank.




101 - not authorised
103 - parameter error
105 - user error

