Get Permission List


List the permissions the user is authorised to maintain and create.

This can be optionally be limited to the permissions of one object.

In the output, objects can be specified by reference or by internal identifier.

In the output, objects are all specified by their references.

The different object types are:

Type Reference Internal identifier
criterion criterionTag permisisonOnCriterionIdentifier
asset assetReference permissionOnAssetIdentifier
response assetReference criterionTag permissionOnAssetIdentifier and permisisonOnCriterionIdentifier
license licenseReference permissionOnLicenseIdentifier
node nodeReference permissionOnNodeIdentifier
global n/a n/a


<objectType>object type</objectType>
<objectReference>object reference</objectReference>
[... or other object identifying fields ...] <returnTypes>true|false</returnTypes>

singleObject defaults to false.

If singleObject is false, objectType and objectReference are not required.

Other identifying fields can be used in place of objectReference, as described in the table above.

returnTypes indicates whether the type list should be returned. It defaults to true, but can be set to false if the type list is not needed. (The type list calculations can be slow.)


<permissionIdentifier/> <permissionTypeIdentifier/> <permissionTypeReference/>
<permissionTypeIdentifier/> <permissionTypeReference/>

The PermissionList lists all the permissions which this user may delete.

The PermissionTypeList lists all the types of permission that the user may create. It is only returned if returnTypes is true.

Every permissionTypeIdentifier in the first list will match a permissionTypeIdentifier in the second.

The singleObject in the top level of the output are passed from the input.  If singleObject is true, the object type, reference and name is returned.

If singleObject is true, the same objectReference and objectName is returned in the top level and in each of the Permission elements.

Object type is not returned within the permission list because it is implicit in the permission type.


101 - not authorised (returned if the logon reference or password are invalid).  May also be returned if the user sets singleObject to true, but for an object over which they have no authority.
102 - parameter error.  If singleObject is not true or false; and, if singleObject is true, if objectType is not one of the listed types.
102 - not found.  If object reference is not found.

