Line chart

A line chart shows how a value of values vary across a series of other values, for example looking at sales by date.


The bar chart has two axes, x and y, which have the standard mathemematical meanings.

The x axis column can repeat.

Object Property Description
x axis column

The column from which x axis values are to be read. Defaults to 0.


Set to true to false to turn off the x-axis label.


label for the x-axis. If not present, the name from the column is used.

  min Standard usage
  max Standard usage
  showTicks Standard usage 

Standard usage


Standard usage

x column name

Used as the x-axis label.

y axis column

The column or columns from which y axis values are to be read. Defaults to 1.


Set to true to show a label for the y axis.

If there is a single y axis column, this defaults to true, and the label is either taken from the y axis label or the y axis column name.

If there is more than one y axis column, this defaults to false, and if set to true the label is taken from the y axis label. However, a legend is shown to distinguish one line from another.


If there are multiple value columns, the label to use for the values.

If there is a single value column, the label is taken from the name of the value column.

  min Standard usage
  max Standard usage
  showTicks Standard usage 

Standard usage


Standard usage

y column name

Used as a data label.

If there is a single y column, the label is shown as the label of the y axis.

If there are multiple y columns, an additional legend is shown

  color  Used to color the lines.


Consider a table which shows numbers, number squared (exponential), and 100/number (reciprocal).

Number Exponential Reciprocal
1 1 100
2 4 50
3 9 33.3
4 16 25
5 25 20

Consider a second table which shows monthly sales, as end-of-month date and sales. The date column has a type of "date".

Date Sales
2012-01-31 7600
2012-02-28 13200
2012-03-31 11145
2012-04-30 14327
2012-05-31 17060
2012-06-30 7461
2012-07-31 21876
2012-08-31 23764
2012-09-30 19980
2012-10-31 22457
2012-11-30 25345
2012-12-31 24621



This demonstrates the default options.

Only one column is plotted on the y axis. Both axes are labelled.

"options": {
 "type": "line"

More than one column can be plotted by passing an array as the y axis column.

The label has been switched off the x axis. No label is shown on the y axis because there is more than one column. However, a legend is shown to distinguish between the two lines.

A min and max have been set for the y axis, and gridlines have been switched on.

The color for the reciprocal line has been changed from the default to green.

"options": {
"title":"Mathematical Functions",
"axes": {
"x": {
"y": {
"columns": {
"reciprocal": {
Date can be used in the x axis. The column type must be date for this to work.
"options": {
  "type": "line"