

Type for creating pages of content.

Give the page the name and content you want, and click on Save to see the page.


The first 500 or so characters of your web page will be used to create a summary. You can change how the summary is calculated:

  • Insert a Page break (a <!--break--> comment) into the content (using the Insert menu, then Page break). All the content above the first page break will be used as the summary.
  • Enter a summary in the Summary and Tags section.


Use the editor's link capability to insert links. For links to other nodes:

  • Precede the link with ${rootPath}.
  • Replace the dots in the node reference with slashes (but not the dot between the reference and the version number).

For example, to link to node system.NODE_NAME, you would use the url ${rootPath}system/NODE_NAME

Quick links

Alternatively, you can reference other nodes that use this page as a package or are in the same package as this page using the quick links feature.  Simply embed the name or local reference of the node in two sets of square brackets, e.g. [[Other Page]] will link to a page with name Other Page.

Cross references

You can link to other nodes using the cross reference feature.  This lets you associate nodes with references, and then use the quick links feature to insert links to those nodes. For example, if you had associated the reference newUser with the node New User (somecompany.products.superassessment.library.NewUserDocumentation), then [[newUser]] would product the following link:

<a href="">New User</a>

When using cross reference, node versions are ignored.  All links are implicitly to the latest version of the node.

The order of precedence for resolving quick links is:

  • References in the cross reference list.
  • Local references of this page's package content (including child pages and uploaded files).
  • Names of this page's package content.
  • Local references of siblings to this page.
  • Names of siblings to this page.
  • Node references.
  • Dynamic bindings resolved to the page.

You may need to use the cross references to resolve ambiguities in local references.

References are not case sensitive, and should only use characters that are valid for node local references (A-Z, 0-9 and underscore).

You can also use a node reference or node version reference, e.g. [[system.NODE_NAME]] will resolve to Name.

You can optionally precede the quick link reference with link: This is required when using additional attributes.

References are also used to create bindings. Preceding > characters (used to show navigation) are removed. Note that bindings are case sensitive.


You can use the quick link feature to insert images by preceding the reference with img:.  For example [[img:ProfilePhoto]] inserts the image in the node file ProfilePhoto. An extension will be added automatically.

Additional attributes

When using quick links and images, you can list additional attributes after a second :. For example, [[img:ProfilePhoto:alt="James Green" class="img-responsive"]] adds an alt and class to the generated image.

When using additional attributes with a normal link, the reference must be preceded with link:.

Sections and navigation

In the cross references, starting a reference with a > indicates a logical section.  You can use this like any other reference (don't add the > when referencing it).

If you have sections, you can use the special reference toc to include a table of contents for the sections.  By default this produces only the next level of sections, but you can increase this by putting a colon and a number after the toc, or all for all sections.

[[toc:1]] - same as default table of contents

[[toc:2]] - show sections and their sections

[[toc:all]] - show all sections

Within the sections, you can use the nav special reference to insert navigation.  This inserts back and next links in the document, showing the previous and next sections.  If you use [[nav:up]], then the containing section will be included. This is unnecessary if the package hierarchy reflects the sections, because the breadcrumb trail will show the higher level.

If a page is referenced as a sub section by more than one node, the back, next and up links will be unpredictable.


You can include the content of another page by preceding the page reference with include:

Similarly you can include the name, summary, description, data (i.e. system.NODE_DATA value), node version reference or node reference of any node using the prefix name:, summary:, description:, data:, ref: or noderef: respectively.

Name is escaped. Summary and description are filtered. Data is not escaped or filtered, but the final page is filtered.


In edit view, click on the Package tab to list the child pages and other nodes contained in this page.

Use the New child page button to create a new child page, Upload file to upload an image or other file, or New... to bring up the standard New dialog.

The package listing lets you edit, copy, move and delete child pages and uploaded files.

You can reference child pages and uploaded files using their local references.


If referenced nodes are files containing zip files, you can reference the individual entries of the zip file by suffixing the reference with a path.  For example, [[img:screenshots/sign_in.png]] means "insert the sign_in.png image from the zip file held in the node referenced by screenshots".


For advanced use, you can also use the quick link features to generate a URL, by prefixing the reference with url: You can then use this inside a manual link or image, for greater control.


On the Style table, enter CSS for the page. To reuse style between pages, either use the navigation/head feature or a prototype and inheritance.


Use the Permission Manager to set permissions on a documentation structure.  Set the Document Root (library.tags.DocumentRoot) tag on the root of the documentation. Use the Document Rule List (library.permission.DocumentRuleList) to set read, update and administrative permissions.


The calculated content is cached. You may need to refresh the page to pick up changes.

Member Type List

Tab/SequenceWeightMember Type

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